“When people know what their strengths are and use those strengths, good things happen”

Cappfinity – the world leaders in strengths-based assessment.

An organisation’s greatest assets are its people’s strengths. But these assets are not well understood or managed.

At Zing we are passionate about helping leaders and their teams to recognise their individual and collective strengths, so they can be intentionally developed, enabling them to be at their best. That’s why we use Cappfinity’s world leading Strengths Profile so you and your people can better flourish through greater understanding and utilisation.

What are strengths?

Cappfinitiy’s Strengths Profile has three unique criteria to clearly define strengths:

  • Performance – perform well in

  • Energy – is energising

  • Use – may use frequently or have opportunity to use more

Why you should use strengths?


Why your team should use strengths?


Why use the Strengths Profile tool?

Strengths Profile was developed in 2009 by Alex Linley at Cappfinity formerly known as Centre of Applied Positive Psychology to support individuals and teams to develop their strengths, unlock potential and overcome barriers to be their best self. 

Research shows that when people use their strengths they perform better, achieve results faster and feel more resilient, satisfied, energised and engaged. The impact on business performance and the bottom line is significant.

The Strengths Profile Model of Development ensures you have a simple language to drive your results into meaningful actions. 

A world-leading strengths tool, Strengths Profile is changing the way we assess, develop and leverage talent in people. Strengths Profile is built from a decade of theoretical and empirical research in positive psychology and has been taken by 300,000 people (or a million assessments) around the world. Through an online assessment, 60 strengths of an individual are mapped across three dimensions (performance, energy, use) into four quadrants.


Let us help you leverage your strengths

Zing are Accredited Strengths Profile practitioners who can help you and your people discover and develop their strengths through:

  • Individual Strengths Profile Assessment (online assessment, personalised pdf report)

  • Team Strengths Profile

  • Strengths Profile debrief (one on one coaching session to debrief on your Strengths Profile)

  • Strengths based coaching (individual, group)

  • Tailored team development programs

Contact us to discuss using Strengths Profile to build and unlock your and your team’s potential